What we learned at the latest Agency Hackers’ #Pipeline event
The mix of workshops, break-out groups, panel sessions and talks at the most recent Pipline event with Agency Hackers provided actionable insights tailored for everyone in attendance. It was a great opportunity to take a step back from daily tasks and look at your business as a whole – starting some big picture thinking!
Here are some of our key takeaways from the event:
- Treat your own business like a client
Are you dedicating the time you need for each of the tasks you need to prioritise? Think about how much time you’d spend on these items if this was for a client instead. Many of us are guilty of sidelining our own businesses, so try to treat yourself as well as you would a customer.
- Deliver your content in a way your prospects will enjoy
Think about the type of content you usually enjoy and consider how your business’ output compares. Is there anything you could do to make it more enjoyable? Don’t forget to consider your target audience and whether you’re appealing specifically to them.
- Highlight the cost of inaction
During difficult times, marketing can start to become a bit of an afterthought. But don’t forget the cost of neglecting promotion and what this could cost your business. Highlighting this can often make it clear just how important your content it.
- Remember your competitors
Remember that your prospects could choose one of your competitors instead. Rather than pretending that they don’t exist, showcase the differences between your offering and theirs to your clients, highlighting where you are strongest. This is much more effective than just claiming to be “bigger and better”.
Even the most valuable content can be overlooked if it isn’t present well, but Agency Hackers and their wonderful speakers really hit the nail on the head.
ALF Insight’s General Manager Amanda Rosevear led one of the first talks of the day, which was well received. As the audience scribbled away, taking notes, it was clear that the information she shared was useful for the delegates. The insights shared were just a small part of what ALF can offer.
Amanda said: "I had the opportunity to talk delegates through some of the most important trends for brands right now - as well as some key brands to consider approaching as they could be considering new agency relationships."
ALF's Brands to Watch highlights which brands are likely to invest in advertising and marketing, or change up their agencies based on insights from trade press, recent job moves and ALF's spend data.
The information shared is just a small part of what ALF Insight offers. If you were intrigued and would like to hear more, please get in touch so we can give you a proper look around our platform. To find out more click here.
The event also included interactive workshops and facilitated networking groups to help those that need it, as not everyone is confident enough to approach strangers at an event.
ALF Insight is proud to be one of Agency Hackers’ Recommended Partners and loved attending this event – we’re already looking forward to the next one!